API Documentation: Media Embedding
Embedding Media
<iframe src="https://www.wellcomemat.com/embed/$id" width="$width" height="$height" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
- $id is a unique identifier for the video, typically the hash property of media objects.
Additionally, you can embed a video using a listing id by using customid=$customid&userid=$userid as the $id.
Both fields are required to correctly identify a video. If you have videos under more than one account, you will need to provide the correct userid for each one. - Details for both hash and customid can be found in our sample response.
- The universal embed code supports desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones. You should make sure to preserve the frameborder="0" and scrolling="no" attributes to prevent any legacy browsers from incorrectly displaying your media.
- To embed a hero player that will continually play without volume or controls, simply use the parameter hero=1 and set your iframe's width and heigth to 100%
Viewing Media
You can watch a video by going to its landing page, viewable at:
16:9 Calculator
Your player should be embedded at a 16:9 aspect ratio so that your video is not all stretchy and gross. You could do that manually, if you're into that, or you can use our calculator.
- width:
- height:
Making the player responsive
Use this bit of code to make your video respond to all page widths. Notes:
- Requires jQuery
- Player should take up 85% of the width of the window. You can change this by adjusting 'width'.
- Assumes player iframe has id 'player'
$(function() { width = .85; // Define end of window resize event. $(window).resize(function() { if (this.resizeTO) clearTimeout(this.resizeTO); this.resizeTO = setTimeout(function() { $(this).trigger('resizeEnd'); }, 500); }); // Now resize player on this event. $(window).bind('resizeEnd', resizePlayer); // Set initially. resizePlayer(); // Set player height based on window width. function resizePlayer() { var w = parseInt($(window).width() * width), h = parseInt(w * 9 / 16); // Set dimensions and reload. $('#player').width(w); $('#player').height(h); var player = document.getElementById('player'); player.src = player.src; } });